Multnomah University believes that every follower of Jesus Christ has a unique and important role within the Body of Christ. We believe and acknowledge that distinctiveness enhances the Body of Christ and allows us to weave a beautiful tapestry that honors the richness of our God. 正如使徒保罗所说, “上帝把肢体放在身体里, 每一个人, 就像他希望的那样. 若都是一个肢体,身子在那里呢?(林前3:1). 12:18-19). 让基督的身体按预定的方式运作, each member must fulfill the distinct role that they were created from the very beginning (Ps. 139:16). For this reason, Multnomah University promotes diversity, inclusion, and 尊重.

如果目标是培养一个健康的, 尊敬上帝的教育界, Multnomah University believes that diversity and inclusion are a means to that end. 摩特诺玛大学鼓励学生的多样性, 教师, and 工作人员 in order to promote empathy for people of various backgrounds and beliefs, 培养对彼此的欣赏, 超越单纯的宽容,颂扬我们的不同.

摩特诺玛大学招收符合条件的申请者,不分性别, 比赛, color, 国家的起源, 或有残疾的人,亲自委身信靠耶稣基督.

Multnomah complies fully with the regulations and guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 我们已经制定了一些政策, 程序, 以及促进遵守ADA标准的期望. We provide reasonable academic adjustments or accommodations to allow equal opportunity and full participation in all programs for qualified students with professionally verified disabilities.

Detailed ADA information and the necessary applications can be obtained from 残疾的资源 电话: (503) 251-5301 或电子邮件

某些美国残疾人协会的信息也可以在我们的网站上找到. 这些文件包括:

The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) recently shared a statement that we, 作为一所大学, 支持:

The NAE laments the recurring trauma experienced by African Americans. 我们谴责种族主义和暴力滥用权力, call for justice for victims and their families and exhort churches to combat attitudes and systems that perpetuate racism. We are grateful for law enforcement officers who honorably serve and protect our communities, 并敦促我们的成员在祷告中支持他们. 基督教s believe that racism is an affront to the value of individuals created in God’s image and to the divinely designed diversity of redeemed humanity. This denial of personhood and belonging runs contrary to the peace and unity that God intended in the beginning and that the Bible depicts as our destiny.

Racism appears in beliefs or practices that distinguish or elevate one 比赛 over others. 伴随着并维持着权力的不平衡, prejudice moves beyond individual relationships to institutional practices. 这种种族不公正是种族主义的系统性延续. Its existence has unfairly benefited some and burdened others simply due to the color of their skin and the cultural associations based upon perceptions of 比赛.

没有哪个种族或民族比另一个更伟大或更有价值. Evangelicals believe that the good news of Jesus Christ has the power to break down racial and ethnic barriers (Ephesians 2:14–18). 种族主义不应只在悲剧事件之后才加以解决. Our communities of faith must pursue sustained efforts in this labor of love and justice.

超过35种面额 & 传统

It may surprise you to learn that Multnomah does not have a denominational allegiance or heritage. While many Bible institutes and colleges were founded by denominations, 我们只是作为圣经学校而成立的. The Multnomah University community celebrates over 35 different denominations and traditions of our 教师, 工作人员, and students with countless theological distinctions and positions as well.



我们重视学习社区传统的多样性. 我们的教授从不同的角度或传统进行对话. Our students hear from other traditions in order to better understand and 尊重 their peers from different denominations. 而不是加深部落主义, our conversations in class and on campus wrestle with Scripture honestly, 尊重他人的观点,加深理解.



While we all examine our frameworks in order to see Scripture more clearly, 没有人被要求抛弃自己的传统或文化. When a Multnomah student returns to their church or enters a new one they will be able to discuss other perspectives with intellectual integrity, 同情和爱邻居, 和圣经. For the sake of the gospel, we do not reject other cultures, traditions, or perspectives.


Learn more about our Inclusive Development Initiatives like the Multicultural Center, 不可分割的俱乐部, 马赛克月, 和更多的.
