Mission Statement

Compelled by the love of Christ, 我们将圣经的智慧与学术和专业的卓越结合起来,谦卑地参与神在世界上的救赎工作.

Fall Day Drone Shot

Vision Statement


Core Values

我们肯定,神的启示的话通知大学的学术课程的每一个方面, co-curricular activities, 机构运作和圣经研究是所有项目的基础.


我们致力于大学各方面的制度诚信,包括组织沟通, financial stewardship, and the equitable treatment of all persons.

我们通过促进学术探究,在学术自由的背景下培养卓越的教育, by embracing a biblical worldview, 通过将信仰和学习整合到学术和专业学科中.

We seek to develop reflective, effective servant-leaders through directed, 实践经验,发现和运用他们的能力来服事基督.


We serve the Church by providing biblical, theological, and professional training; and we partner with local churches in promoting biblical spiritual renewal and justice across Christian traditions.


我们寻求通过广泛地理解我们的世界和圣经来参与文化, by integrating the richness of human diversity appropriately, and by expressing our faith in light of the incarnation.


In 1936, Rev. John G. 米切尔确信,太平洋西北地区需要一所学校,能够忠实地教导男女神话语的真理. On February 14, 1936, Rev. 米切尔召集波特兰地区的牧师和基督教商人开会,讨论他的设想. Together, these men labored to make that vision a reality, and Multnomah School of the Bible was born.

1937年10月,在一个曾经的停尸房里,49名学生和6名教师开始上课. In the spring of 1939, 摩特诺玛向第一届毕业班的31名学生颁发了毕业证书.

最初的校园位于波特兰东北部的劳埃德中心购物中心附近. In the early 1950s, 管理部门和董事会意识到摩特诺玛不断增长的学生群体需要扩大设施. In 1952 after much prayer, 董事会决定购买前俄勒冈州立盲人学校17英亩的校园, where Multnomah University and Seminary are located today.

From School to College and Seminary
Reflecting its growing educational programs, 1993年,摩特诺玛圣经学校成为摩特诺玛圣经学院和神学院. 因为我们致力于为毕业生提供地区认可的圣经教育, Multnomah于2005年成为西北大学委员会的成员. 这个额外的认证允许毕业生更灵活地将他们的摩特诺玛学分转移到更多的机构.

Becoming Multnomah University
In 2008, Multnomah became Multnomah University, which is a more accurate, 包含构成机构的所有结构元素的总称. 随着成人学位完成和非神学院硕士学位课程的增加,现有的学院和圣经神学院部门, it became necessary to describe Multnomah in new terms. Now, 摩特诺玛的校友和以前的学生享受大学教育的好处,当他们出国服务或简单地在国内申请工作时,这些好处得到了充分的体现.

New Ministries
摩特诺玛在其历史上培育了许多部委和企业. In 1989, Multnomah created International Renewal Ministries (IRM), 在基督的身体中作为种族和解和宗派团结催化剂的事工. 摩特诺玛通过创建基督教供应等多个事工,为改善西北地区做出了贡献, Multnomah Press, and Mission Portland Networking, all of which, including IRM, now function independently of Multnomah.